Things making the headlines in the City of Brighton & Hove
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This Conservative Government is pursuing a reckless policy of a hard exit from the European Union with little thought of the consequences of us leaving the single market and with little consideration for the feelings of the three million Europeans living in the UK or of our one million British people living in the EU. Theresa May seems to have little imagination in resurrecting the Grammar School system which curtails the chances of those who do not get a place in these elite schools. The Conservatives have also lost sight of the interests of British Business by risking our trade relationship with our 27 European neighbours and a callousness in (almost) going back on their election promise of not raisising the rates of National Insurance. This is just the beginning of the damage that the Conservatives can do to our country and our people if they are elected for a further five years.
Brighton and Hove Liberal Democrats have seen their membership boosted by 16% in the two days since Theresa May called a snap election. Our local party is now nearly five times the size it was at the time of the last General Election in 2015.
Brighton and Hove for Europe arranged a protest at Hove Town Hall last week to mark the begining of the process of leaving the European Union. Liberal Democrats were well represented along with people from every party and none who feel that breaking our strong ties with the European Union is reckless and ill-thought out.
Brighton and Hove Liberal Democrats travelled up to London to take part in the Unite for Europe March that marks the beginning of the end of our membership of the European Union - at least if we let Theresa May and her Government get their way.