Help us stop this reckless Conservative Government

This Conservative Government is pursuing a reckless policy of a hard exit from the European Union with little thought of the consequences of us leaving the single market and with little consideration for the feelings of the three million Europeans living in the UK or of our one million British people living in the EU. Theresa May seems to have little imagination in resurrecting the Grammar School system which curtails the chances of those who do not get a place in these elite schools. The Conservatives have also lost sight of the interests of British Business by risking our trade relationship with our 27 European neighbours and a callousness in (almost) going back on their election promise of not raisising the rates of National Insurance. This is just the beginning of the damage that the Conservatives can do to our country and our people if they are elected for a further five years.
The Liberal Democrats stand truly as the national party of opposition with our strong regard for maintaining the closest possible ties with Europe and our policy of maintaining a European workforce here in the UK to continue their good work in our Universities and Hospitals. Our record in coalition Government speaks for itself considering the chaos this Government has thrown us in to.
The economy in Brighton and Hove depends on our EU workforce and students coming from the Europe to our Universities and Language Schools. We have an open and tolerant society and welcome all peoples and lifestyles in this city. Please support our three parliamentary candidates in our fight back against this reckless Conservative Government:
- Carrie Hynds - Hove
- Paul Chandler - Brighton Pavilion
- Emily Tester - Brighton Kemptown
You can help us fight back in several ways:
- Join the Liberal Democrats -
- Register your email address so we can keep in touch -
- Volunteer to help us deliver leaflets or put up a poster in the run up to the General Election on June 8th -
- Like us on Facebook -
- Retweet our twitter feed @liberalbrighton -
- Donate to our Election Campaign directly from your Bank account -
We are launching our campaign following our members meeting on 26th Apriland plan a series of events to fight this elections as the only real opposition to a hard Brexit and the only sensible choice for an open and tolerant society. Please read more about our values and give us some support -