A Record of What Happened in Earlier Months

Autumn 2024 Brighton Conference Report
The Conference this Autumn was held in the City of Brighton & Hove after the 2 previous events had been cancelled because of Covid and the death of the Queen. It was a great honour to once again welcome fellow Liberal Democrats to the city. This was our first conference after the 2024 General Election, which was our most successful in over 100 years with 72 Liberal Democrat MPs elected to the new parliament. Conference ran from 14 - 17 September. The turnout reflected our increased presence in parliament with sightings of many of our new MPs becoming the new spot an MP game amongst some attendees.
There were loads of training and fringe events to cover all needs and interests, with the emphasis on raising skills and involvement from the membership. More to follow later
Brunswick Festival 2024
Saturday & Sunday, 17 - 18 August at Brunswick Lawns
Brighton & Hove Liberal Democrats once again set up their stall at the Brunswick Festival. This was our second year after a long absence. In the years before we had just had a table but for the second year running we had the luxury of a gazebo which was a welcome relief from the rays of the strong sun, sunscreen factor 50 not withstanding. Both days members turned up to help out and support us and we were able to give them an enjoyable day to remember. The Festival was well attended with lots of parents and children taking advantage of the fun on offer. We did our bit to contribute to the fun with our balloons and bubble machine. The free sweets also did their bit.
Brighton & Hove Liberal Democrats gave a strong showing and made new friends, many of them hopefully future Lib Dem supporters and members. We were on hand to answer questions from the public and also to say hello to fellow Lib Dems from as far away as London, Mid-Sussex, Worthing, and Eastbourne. We even had one member from Yorkshire who came up to say hello.
The Festival began its wound down on late Sunday afternoon with the usual Childrens' parade as they followed, along with their parents, the drums around the whole gardens for everybody to see and cheer.
We would like to say a big thank you to our helpers, Caroline E, Claire, Marge, Carol, Simon, Andrew, Rob, Owen, Hyder, Roger and our organisers, Caroline B, and Trevor. They made our Festival experience great.

Brighton & Hove Liberal Democrats AGM, Guest Speaker & Social
This year our AGM will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, 21 November 2023. The Guest Speaker and Social will be held on the following day, Wednesday 22 November 2023.
To be eligible to vote at the AGM your membership must be up to date. Contact our MDO at trevor.freeman@liberalbrighton.org for help in renewing or to sign up to Brighton & Hove Liberal Democrats.
Our Social event will be held on the following day where our guest speaker Josh Babarinde, the Liberal Democrat Candidate for the Eastbourne Constituency, will be available to answer any questions you have. He will be ably supported by our own parliamentary candidates. Refreshments will be available as will snacks. There will be a cost of £10 for this event.
For more about the AGM and to book click Here.
For more about the Social and to book (Cost £10.00) click Here.
South East Region AGM & Autumn Conference 2023
Saturday 11 November 2023, 10.30am to 5.00pm Carrington School, Noke Drive, Redhill RH1 4AD
An opportunity to meet with party members from across the region, receive some of the latest training, hear from speakers and join in debates.
Training session will start at 10.30am, and the main conference opens at 1.30pm.
Tickets cost £25 per delegate and includes a light lunch which will be available from 12noon to 2.00pm. There is a discounted rate of £10 for students. The best option for payments is via our Paypal account: South East Region Liberal Democrats using the email address below.
To register for conference mailings and information, please email your name, local party and membership number to Anna - admin@southeastlibdems.org.uk
The AGM will be at 3.30pm on Saturday 11 November 2023:
- Apologies
- Minutes of the AGM (16 November 2022)
- Chairs Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Report of the Chair of the Regional Candidates Committee
- Election of Officers (nominations will close at midnight on Friday 27th October 2023)
Nominations and manifestos must be submitted by the deadline. For manifestos for elections to the Executive, the English Council and the Candidates Committee there is a 100-word count limit, for Officer roles the limit is 250 words.
Politics & Prosecco.
Donatello Restaurant, 1-3 Brighton Place, Brighton BN1 1HJ
Wednesday 8 November @ 19.00
Come and join members of Brighton and Hove Liberal Democrats for a meal at Brighton's old and iconic Italian restaurant, Donatello. Start your evening with a glass of fizz, or just dive into the excellent range of menus. There's something for every taste and plenty of vegetarian and vegan choices.
Places are limited and so it's really important that you make a firm confirmation if you'd like to come - just let me know on caroline.ellis@liberalbrighton.org by Monday 6 November. Don't worry if you've never been to one of our events before as I can meet you outside the restaurant and bring you in to make you welcome.
Choose whatever you like to eat and drink, but please keep a running tally of how much you have spent so you know your contribution to the bill at the end. Hope to see you on 8 November for chat about politics and anything else!

Brighton & Hove Pride
For those wishing to join the Liberal Democrat Group in the Walk in the Pride Parade that is part of the week-end festivities the meet up arrangements are below.
Pride Parade on Saturday 5th August meeting 10 am at Palmeira Square bus stop.