Form to notify web team about an event. Download here
Why not come along to one of our Coffee Mornings?
They are held monthly, one in each Constituency of Brighton Kemptown & Peacehaven, Brighton Pavilion and Hove & Portslade.
Pavilion coffee morning is held at 11:00 am on the second Friday in the month at Cafe Aldo, 77 Trafalgar Street, Brighton, BN1 4EB. It is hosted by Paul Chandler.
Kemptown & Peacehaven coffee morning is held at 10:00 am on the first Saturday of the month at Laughing Dog Cafe, 31 Waterfront, Brighton Marina Village,BN2 5WA. It is hosted by Stewart Stone.
Hove & Portslade coffee morning is held at 10:00 am on the first Wednesday of the month at Big Beach Cafe, Hove Lagoon, BN3 4AX. It is hosted by Simon Jardine.

Inn Politics
Politics with a dash of the spirit of conviviality.
Join us as we discover the art of social and political discourse over the amber nectar, the juice of the grape or the discovery of the many colours spirited up by the magic of distillery imaginations.
Our next meeting is on the 20th November at the Mucky Duck, 7-9 Manchester Street, Brighton, BN2 1TF. More details to follow.
All are welcome.

Politics & Prosecco
Join us in the fizzy discovery of matching food and wine with politics and socialising.
We find out just how good our local restaurants are at enticing our taste buds whilst we explore through discourse the latest gossip meandering through local politics, with the odd diversion into the world of Westminster.
Our next event will be Wednesday, 19th March 2025 at Adelfia, 13-14 Preston Street,Brighton, BN1 2HN. It starts at 7.00 pm. What you spend is down to you. For details on how to book email us.
Adelfia serves authentic Greek & Mediterranean food. For details about the restaurant and the menus and costs click here.
Calendar of Events
With the transfer to Cabinet Government for the City Council many of the functions and informational papers of council business are no longer easily available to the citizens and electors of the city. Of necessity therefore we can only advise of council meetings on an irregular basis. Liberal Democrats believe in Open Government not a closed version.
If you wish to watch a council meeting (either current or previous) then click here to choose the meeting you wish to see.
To find out about forthcoming or previous council meetings and access the documentation that goes with them click here.
Executive Meetings 2024
- 9 September - 19:15 at usual venue
- 11 November - 19:15 at usual venue
Officers' Meetings 2024
- 7 October - 19:15 via Zoom
- 2 December - 19:15 via Zoom
For the usual Annual Events that take place throughout the City click on the Link

Events and main council committee meetings being held in the month.
October 2024 Events
Details of events with access links where available
- 1 October - 14:00 - 16:00, B & H Older People's Council AGM
- 2 October -10.00 BHLD Hove & Portslade Constituency, Coffee Morning, Big Beach Cafe, Hove Lagoon, BN3 4AX
- 5 October - 10.00 BHLD Kemptown & Peacehaven Constituency, Coffee Morning, Laughing Dog Cafe, 31 Waterfront, Brighton Marina Village, BN2 5WA
- 7 October - 19:15 BHLD, Officers Meeting
- 11 October - 11.00 BHLD Pavilion Constituency, Coffee Morning, Cafe Aldo, 77 Trafalgar Street, BN1 4EB
- 23 October - 19.00 BHLD Politics & Prosecco, Donatellos, 1-3 Brighton Place, Brighton
- 24 October - 16:30 BHCC, Council Meeting

Events and main council committee meetings being held in the month.
November 2024 Events
Details of events with access links where available
- 2 November - 10.00 BHLD Kemptown & Peacehaven Constituency, Coffee Morning, Laughing Dog Cafe, 31 Waterfront, Brighton Marina Village, BN2 5WA
- 5 November - 14:00-16:00, Older People's Council Open meeting
- 6 November -10.00 BHLD Hove & Portslade Constituency, Coffee Morning, Big Beach Cafe, Hove Lagoon, BN3 4AX
- 7 November - Brighton & Hove Liberal Democrats AGM, Guest Speaker Alison Bennett MP (Mid-Sussex)
- 8 November - 11.00 BHLD Pavilion Constituency, Coffee Morning, Cafe Aldo, 77 Trafalgar Street, BN1 4EB
- 11 November - 19:15 BHLD, Exec Meeting
- 16 November - 10:30 - 17:00, SE Region Lib Dems AGM
- 20 November - 18.30 BHLD Inn Politics, The Mucky Duck, 7-9 Manchester Street, Brighton, BN2 1TF

Brighton & Hove Liberal Democrats 2024 AGM, Guest Speaker & Social
The BHLD AGM will be held on 7th November and will be an attendance event. It will be held at the Brighthelm Centre and our guest speaker will be Alison Bennett MP (Mid-Sussex), the Party Spokesperson for Care & Carers. More details will appear here as they become available. If you wish to help out with the event then please contact the Branch Chair (contact details can be found here).

Events and main council committee meetings being held in the month.
December 2024 Events
Details of events with access links where available
- 2 December - 19:15 BHLD, Officers Meeting
- 4 December - 10.00 BHLD Hove & Portslade Constituency, Coffee Morning, Big Beach Cafe, Hove Lagoon, BN3 4AX
- 7 December - 10.00 BHLD Kemptown & Peacehaven Constituency, Coffee Morning, Laughing Dog Cafe, 31 Waterfront, Brighton Marina Village, BN2 5WA
- 10 December - 14:00-16:00, Older People's Council Open meeting
- 13 December - 11.00 BHLD Pavilion Constituency, Coffee Morning, Cafe Aldo, 77 Trafalgar Street, BN1 4EB
- 19 December - 15:00 BHCC, Council Meeting

Events and main council committee meetings being held in the month.
January 2025 Events
Details of events with access links where available
- 1 January - 10.00 BHLD Hove & Portslade Constituency, Coffee Morning, Big Beach Cafe, Hove Lagoon, BN3 4AX
- 4 January - 10.00 BHLD Kemptown & Peacehaven Constituency, Coffee Morning, Laughing Dog Cafe, 31 Waterfront, Brighton Marina Village, BN2 5WA
- 10 January - 11.00 BHLD Pavilion Constituency, Coffee Morning, Cafe Aldo, 77 Trafalgar Street, BN1 4EB
- 28 January - 14:00-16:00, Older People's Council Open meeting

Events and main council committee meetings being held in the month.
February 2025 Events
Details of events with access links where available
- 1 February - 10:00 BHLD Kemptown & Peacehaven Constituency Coffee Morning, Laughing Dog Cafe, 31 Waterfront, Brighton Marina Village, BN2 5WA
- 5 February - 10.00 BHLD Hove & Portslade Constituency, Coffee Morning, Big Beach Cafe, Hove Lagoon, BN3 4AX
- 14 February - 11.00 BHLD Pavilion Constituency, Coffee Morning, Cafe Aldo, 77 Trafalgar Street, BN1 4EB

Events and main council committee meetings being held in the month.
March 2025 Events
Details of events with access links where available
- 2 March - 10.00, BHLD Hove & Portslade Constituency Coffee Morning, Big Beach Cafe, Hove Lagoon, BN3 4AX
- 5 March - 10.00, BHLD Brighton Kemptown & Peacehaven Constituency Coffee Morning, Laughing Dog Cafe, 31 Waterfront, Brighton Marina Village, BN2 5WA
- 11 March - 11.00, BHLD Brighton Pavilion Constituency Coffee Morning, Cafe Aldo, 77 Trafalgar Street, BN1 4EB
- 18 March - 14:00-16:00, Older People's Council Open meeting
- 21 - 23 March - All Day, National Liberal Democrats Spring Conference
Brighton and Hove Email Sign Up
Please sign up here to receive emails on our local news and campaigns.
Volunteer to Help the Brighton and Hove Liberal Democrats
We would love your help ! There are plenty of ways you can help us including posting on social media, canvassing, delivering leaflets, putting up posters, donating, coming along to our events and much more. Please sign up here and we will be in touch as well as registering you for our Emails on local issues and our campaigns.