Joining Hands for Europe

Brighton and Hove for Europe arranged a protest at Hove Town Hall last week to mark the begining of the process of leaving the European Union. Liberal Democrats were well represented along with people from every party and none who feel that breaking our strong ties with the European Union is reckless and ill-thought out.
A long line of linked hands marked the event and the beginning of a new phase in our campaign to ensure that Britain retains the strongest possible ties with the European Union and respects both the rights of Europeans living and working in Britain and of the 48% of the referendum voters who feel British and European.
Carrie Hynds, our parliamentary candidate for Hove, was interviewed by Latest TV and a photographer from the Argus captured the spirit of the protest:
- Latest TV - Hove Brexit Protests
- The Argus - Pro-Europe campaigners demonstrate outside Hove Town Hall
The Liberal Democrats continue to fight for maintaining the closest possible ties with the European Union with the following key issues for negotiation:

- Protection of rights for EU citizens and UK citizens - those who have made the United Kingdom their home should be allowed to stay. We will seek to secure the same for UK citizens living in European Union countries.
- Freedom of Movement and the Single Market - any deal negotiated for the United Kingdom outside the European Union must include membership of the Single Market and protect freedom of movement.
- Maintaining environmental standards - we have a duty to future generations to protect our environment and tackle climate change. We will ensure that everything is done to maintain those high standards in UK law.
- Law enforcement and judicial co-operation - we must maintain maximum cooperation to ensure criminals are pursued quickly and effectively.
- Protection of Erasmus, investment in our universities and research networks - we should do everything we can to protect Erasmus, as well as other EU funded schemes increasing opportunities for young people. We will campaign to sustain the levels of investment in UK universities and their associated research networks.
- Travel and tourism - we must make every effort to ensure that we retain 'soft' traveller benefits such as the European Health Insurance Card, reduced roaming charges and pet passports.
- British industries - the City of London must retain full rights in EU financial markets. We must also protect the support provided by the European Union to domestic industries such as farming, tourism and the creative industries, as well as regional support for deprived areas.
You can support the Liberal Democrats locally simply by spreading the message on social media or you can register your details with us so that we can keep in contact with you as the picture on our relationship with the European Union develops.