Brighton and Hove Lib Dem membership up 16% in 48 hours

Brighton and Hove Liberal Democrats have seen their membership boosted by 16% in the two days since Theresa May called a snap election. Our local party is now nearly five times the size it was at the time of the last General Election in 2015.
Carrie Hynds, prospective parliamentary candidate for Hove, said:
"This is fantastic news and I'd like to thank and welcome all of our new members. They will have the opportunity to get involved straight away as there is much to fight for in this election.
The reality of a hard Brexit would be a disaster for Brighton & Hove. Our two Universities exchange skills and knowledge with other seats of learning throughout the world. Already foreign students are wondering if it is sensible to study in the UK and researchers are anxious about their ability to attract the grants that make their work possible. Our city has a huge hospitality trade; removing the right to stay means hotels and restaurants will be short of staff and short of skills. The Royal Sussex County Hospital is undergoing a massive rebuild and will be the Trauma Centre for the area; it needs the skills of medical staff from all over the world.
We have got to stop the Tories from damaging Brighton and Hove's prospects for years to come."
Nationally, the Liberal Democrats have gained 8,000 new members in 48 hours, the fastest rise of new membership in the party's history. President of the Liberal Democrats Sal Brinton said of the increased Lib Dem membership across the country:
"People are flocking to the Liberal Democrats as we are the only party who are offering effective opposition to this Conservative Brexit government. Theresa May: we have the troops for this fight and they are raring to go. The Liberal Democrats are the only party standing up for an open, tolerant, and united Britain."