The Big Truth Bus visits Brighton and Lib Dem EU Street Stalls
This Tuesday Brighton & Hove for EU arranged for The Big Truth Bus to visit the city - this bus is currently touring the country in order to spread awareness of the true economic cost of Brexit while lampooning the infamous Vote Leave bus. There were speeches, discussions with members of the public and music by Madeleina Kay (aka EU Supergirl). And, of course, we were there to show support for our fellow pro-EU campaigners and to show that we are committed to fighting Brexit.

Afterwards we held our second monthly EU Street Stall outside the Unitarian church on New Road, campaigning for a referendum on the terms of Brexit and handing out window posters in order to build visible support for the idea. Many MPs support a referendum on the facts but are waiting for public opinion to visibly swing behind it before acting, we hope to contribute to this and are getting a great response. Our street stalls are held on the last Tuesday of every month at 6pm and we welcome more volunteers - find out more here or download a window poster to print off at home here.