Meet George Taylor, our candidate for the East Brighton council by-election

Brighton & Hove Liberal Democrats are delighted to announce George Taylor as the LibDem candidate for the upcoming East Brighton council by-election.
We have been calling for Cllr Lloyd Russell-Moyle to stand down from the council since his election as MP for Brighton Kemptown, and we welcome the news that he will resign before the new year.
George is a local 18-year-old with a passion for politics. He has been an active member of the Liberal Democrats since 2016,helping fight nearby council by-elections in Seaford and joining the East Sussex County Council election campaign.
George was a key campaigner in the snap General Election in June 2017, supporting Lib Dem Parliamentary candidates Emily Tester in Kemptown, Carrie Hynds in Hove and Kelly-Marie Blundell in Lewes. He also draws inspiration from Stephen Lloyd, Lib Dem MP for Eastbourne, and Stephen's work with the local community - showing that politics is done best at the local level.
Recently, George has been campaigning alongside Carrie Hynds for more affordable homes in our city, including gathering signatures for the "Where's the 40%?" petition and running social media campaigns on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Upon his selection, George said: "It's a massive honour to be selected as the Liberal Democrat candidate for the East Brighton Ward. East Brighton is an area that I know very well, having grown up nearby and attended primary school (St John The Baptist Roman Catholic School) in the ward.
"The success of our affordable homes petition shows that we are standing up for people in Brighton and Hove. We weren't just gathering signatures; we were also listening to people's individual stories which we highlighted in our presentation to the council.
"I will be the voice that has gone missing in this ward; housing, food banks and parking are just a few of the many topics on which the Labour group have failed the residents.
The Liberal Democrats bring a fresh voice to the table. All the other parties have had their turn and have been unsuccessful; now it's time for the Lib Dems."
Social media contact for George:
Twitter- @GeorgeTaylorLD
Facebook Page-<wbr>etaylorld/