Lib Dems accuse Labour Party of bringing city of Brighton & Hove into disrepute
Brighton & Hove Lib Dems today slammed the local Labour Party for bringing the city of Brighton and Hove into disrepute. Lib Dem spokesperson for Brighton Kemptown, Ben Thomas, said:
'The disgraceful mismanagement by the Labour Party in Brighton & Hove over recent months has brought shame and embarrassment on the city of Brighton & Hove. The soon-to-be-former Labour led council has missed their own target after target, from refuse and recycling collections to affordable housing targets and beyond. They have consistently failed us.
'The spectacle of the Labour Party losing control of the council as a result of allegations of racism against its own councillors should shame the party. At a time where the Labour MP for Brighton Kemptown, Lloyd Russell-Moyle, is being forced to apologise almost weekly for his own comments and behaviour, the last thing the city needed was to be thrown into further chaos at a time that stability is desperately needed, as we recover from the coronavirus pandemic.
'As Liberal Democrats we wholeheartedly support the calls and petition of Mo Kanjilal for Brighton and Hove to be an anti-racist city, yet that goal is being undermined time and again by representatives put forward and elected under the Labour banner being exposed for anti-semitic, racist actions.
'The Labour Party in Brighton and Hove needs to put petty internal party wrangling aside and get its own house in order. They must put pressure on any councillors guilty of espousing racist views to step down and submit to by-elections at the earliest opportunity.'