Get Your Tickets for South East Regional Conference
South East Region Autumn Conference and AGM
Saturday 17th November 2018, 10am to 4pm
Spires Academy, Bredlands Lane, Sturry, Canterbury, CT2 0HD

Confirmed speakers include: Ed Davey MP, Catherine Bearder MEP, Stephen Lloyd MP, Tom Brake MP, Baroness Alison Suttie, Baroness Judith Jolly and Paul Fisher Chair of LDs France.
There will also be training from ALDC, the HQ Campaigns team, media training with a journalist, public speaking and the Compliance Team, as well as a Thank You drinks reception for all our Local Party Officers, motion debates and fringe events.
Early Bird Ticket £25.00; after 9th November £30.00. Young Liberal Members, Stewards or those receiving state benefits excluding child benefit or state pension can pay a reduced fee of £10.00.
To book tickets, please either pay via internet payment using the account detail below:
Sort Code: 08-90-23
Account Number: 50151983
Please use CONF followed by your initials and surname as the reference. Then email Anna at with your membership number and local party and so she can confirm that we have received your payment.
Or pay by cheque:
Make the cheque payable to S/E ENGLAND LIBERAL DEMOCRATS. Please incluse the membership numbers and full names of all delegates you are booking for, plus your email address so Anna can confirm booking with you. Then post the cheque to Anna Tarrant, 6 Blanford Road, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7DR.
AGM nomination forms are also available from Anna, who can be emailed on
We hope to see you there!