Exit From Brexit: We Demand a Vote on the Facts
On Tuesday evening I joined several inspiring local volunteers who braved a cold, wet, dark January day to run the first monthly Brighton & Hove Liberal Democrat EU street stall.
It was worth it because there's a very important message to communicate: we can still secure a democratic exit from Brexit. We can show Westminster we want a referendum on the facts.
The British people should be able to choose whether to accept the government's Brexit deal, or reject the deal and stay in the EU. As Brexit secretary David Davis said, "If a democracy cannot change its mind, it ceases to be a democracy."
We will set up our EU street stall every fourth Tuesday of the month throughout 2018 at 6pm in New Road, Brighton, to keep making the case that the public should have the final say. Check out our EU campaign page for all the details and to download your own window poster.
Thanks to everyone who joined us for our first EU street stall, and a special thank you to Caroline Brown and Jac Kilby for creating the poster, ordering the banner and getting the event up and running.