B&H Lib Dems join County Council campaigns
Saturday 11th March, 2017 - ACTION Day!
19 enthusiastic volunteers from Brighton and Hove Liberal Democrats heeded the call from Uckfield to help get Lib Dem candidates elected in the upcoming East Sussex County Council elections on May 4th.

These 19 stalwarts formed the largest contingent among 65 volunteers from around the County, including Stephen Lloyd, recent MP for Eastbourne. We took part in manning street stalls, handing out 400 leaflets, delivering 6,000 candidate Focuses, canvassing, collecting 180 signatures on a petition to Chris Grayling to get Southern Rail sorted out (will he take any notice of the strength of local feeling we found??), and addressing 1,000 envelopes to help get out the postal vote in our favour.
The feeling of teamwork, enthusiasm and camaraderie within the 65 energised us all, and it was especially good to work with our colleagues from other parts of the County. The two local candidates, Paul Meakins and Paul Sparks, were most appreciative of our efforts, and felt the whole day had been a great success. We will find out on May 5th what their success will have been.
There will be another Action Day, closer to home, on April 8th, in Lewes. Anyone interested in coming along, or in taking part in phone canvassing for the County Council elections, please get in touch with Carrie Hynds at carrie.hynds@liberalbrighton.org.We will then start holding Action Days in Brighton & Hove to give us a two-year run-up to our own local elections in May 2019.
In the meantime - happy campaigning!