B&H Lib Dem statement on COVID-19
The situation regarding the coronavirus is changing daily.
It is with regret that all Brighton & Hove Lib Dem face-to-face meetings and events have been cancelled for the forseeable future, as we feel this is the correct decision under the circumstances. We are instead meeting online and will be in touch with our members and supporters via email to invite you to upcoming events.
Latest updates on the situation in Brighton & Hove can be found on the council website. Please take good care of yourselves and your families. If you are in the position to check in with elderly or vulnerable neighbours who may need some help with shopping, dog walking, collecting prescriptions, or if you can make a friendly phone call, please consider doing so.
It's important we all think of each other as well as ourselves at this uncertain and challenging time.
Warmest wishes
Hilary Ellis, Chair, Brighton & Hove Liberal Democrats