5 Key Events at Brighton Conference
Brighton & Hove Liberal Democrats will be out in force at the autumn federal conference, held right on our doorstep from 15th to 18th September, and we would love to see you there! Here are the top five ways to get involved:
1. Eve of conference Lib Dem Pint, 7pm Friday 14th September
This is organised by Lib Dem Newbies UK and will be held at Horatio's on Brighton Pier. Click here for details and advance tickets.
2. South East Region stand at Brighton Centre, 15th to 18th September
We will be organising a stand (H16) on the upper level of the exhibition area. Please drop by. And if you have an hour or two to spare at the conference, you can sign up to volunteer on the stand on this online rota: http://signup.com/go/BbFjuZx Shifts are in pairs so it's a great way to get to know another Lib Dem in the local area.
3. Pro-EU demo, 4.15pm on Sunday 16th September (starting at the Peace Statue, Hove; ending 5pm at the Brighton Centre)
Local member Caroline Brown is organising a pro-EU demo during the Lib Dem conference in conjunction with other pro-EU groups in the city. Lib Dems will gather from 4.15 pm on Sunday 16th September at the Peace Statue in Hove, while a collection of groups and organisations demanding a vote on the final Brexit deal will assemble at the Palace Pier in Brighton. Both contingents will start marching at 4.30 pm, arriving at the Brighton Centre for a big group photo just after 5 pm. The theme is a "Carnival of Rights", celebrating all that the UK has gained from its membership of the European Union. Dress in bright colours, particularly blue and yellow; bring placards and EU flags; and wear your biggest smiles!
If you can't make the march then please come to one of our regular Exit from Brexit demos, on the last Tuesday of every month outside the Unitarian Church in New Road central Brighton. The next event is at 6pm on Tuesday 25th September.
4. Brighton & Hove Lib Dem Women in Science Fringe meeting, 1pm Tuesday 18th September, Hilton Metropole
We are organsing a fringe meeting at the Metropole hotel on Tuesday 18th September at 1pm with our education spokesperson Layla Moran MP. The theme is 'Women in Science' and if you have views on this subject please come along and express them!
5. ALDC training at Hilton Metropole, 15th to 18th September
Our local election successes nationally in 2017 and in by-elections since are in large part due to experienced campaigning as supported by ALDC (the Association of Liberal Democrat Councillors) and their training. Subjects include: Talking to voters - Knocking on doors, Improve your public speaking skills, Delivering change in your community, and literally dozens of other topics. Training sessions are free to attend and can be found in the Conference Directory.
Thanks for your support, and have a great conference!